Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Art for Art's Sake

Art for art's sake is an empty phrase. Art for the sake of truth, art for the sake of the good and the beautiful that is the faith I am searching for.

- George Sand


Troy Camplin said...


Anonymous said...

George Sand is a Pseudonym. Quote should be attributed to Barrones Aurore Lucile Dupin.

Troy Camplin said...

Perhaps. But everyone know George Sand. Not everyone knows Barrones Aurore Lucile Dupin.

Unknown said...

Dear Metaphor Group,

In your header you claim that artists "carry across their vision(s) of the world into images or sounds". I can't help but notice you have neglected words as a vessel for this vision. Are you sugguesting that an author or wordsmith cannot express their vision or their soul in the same way a visual or aurual arist can?

Yours, a young and concerned lover of the arts

Troy Camplin said...

Words are sounds.

Anonymous said...

And letters on paper are sights...

Anonymous said...

In any case, the header is making reference to senses... if you wanted to be a Nazi about it... you could say that cooks are artists too. And blind people experience art through touch. Your a little bit uptight.

Troy Camplin said...

Your comments make no sense. Of course a chef is an artist.